My primary knitting centres around 1 topic: Harry Potter. I am knitting my scarf, and my quilt.
The scarf I have a pattern for.
The quilt, I do not. I have to gather patterns myself.
So, imagine my amazement when I found that the Victoria and Albert Museum Website can create a pattern (albeit a quilt one) from a photo that you uploaded.
This opens up a world of possibilities.
You could choose to make a quilt with someones face on it by using each square as it's meant to be, with one block colour, or you can choose to formulate it into a stitch guide for one single square.
Very Dangerous.
Especially with me.
And my Quilt.
So guess what I spent two hours doing yesterday?!
Just one out of 32...
I'm going to be having fun with some knitting....
Obviously, the patterns need to be adjusted slightly as I cannot do half stitches.
As I said.
This Ravenclaw has changed over the years... this blog helps to document that through my crafts, my writings and general lifestyle.
Friday, 30 December 2011
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Christmas Reading...
It seems there was a theme this year when people were buying my Christmas Presents... Craft Books. And I love them. I want to try EVERYTHING within them (well, not quite. I don't particularly feel like making a cross-stitched sardine cushion (?)). So, My New Year's Resolution, which I will start early, is that I will make something, or at least contribute to making something, every single day. It's a tall order, but I'm determined to do it, even if it means that I only do one row of knitting per day (I'll finish that Ravenclaw scarf eventually).
I will also do a review of each Craft Book I have received, and the projects within them. As a taster, these are the ones I could find while I had my camera:
Kirstie Allsopp's CRAFT book
Projects I like the look of: Bubble Coasters, Stack and Whack quilt, Felt Heart, Paper Bead necklace, Handmade paper, Ice-cream balls, Ribbon Rose, Lavender Bath Creamers, Silver Button Medallion.
How To Knit, D&C
Projects I like the look of: Garter Stitch Scarf, Ribbed Tube Socks, Ballet Slipper Bling, Sequined Knitted Throw.
The Make-It-Yourself Gift Book, Reader's Digest
Projects I like the look of: Chic Fabric Necklace, Traditional Rag Rug, Place mats for a Country Kitchen.
Twenty to Make: Fabric Flowers, Kate Haxell
Projects I like the look of: EVERYTHING! Seriously, this book is AMAZING and there are so many beautiful projects, but I particularly love Vintage Flower, Embroidered Daisy, Flower Cuff, Naive Felt Flower, Patterned Daisy.
Compendium of Knitting Techniques, Betty Barnden
This one is a bit of an instruction manual, and doesn't have projects, but for this reason, is quite possibly the most useful book I've received. It will help me learn all I need to know for my Knitting (hopefully).
I will also do a review of each Craft Book I have received, and the projects within them. As a taster, these are the ones I could find while I had my camera:
Projects I like the look of: Bubble Coasters, Stack and Whack quilt, Felt Heart, Paper Bead necklace, Handmade paper, Ice-cream balls, Ribbon Rose, Lavender Bath Creamers, Silver Button Medallion.
Projects I like the look of: Garter Stitch Scarf, Ribbed Tube Socks, Ballet Slipper Bling, Sequined Knitted Throw.
Projects I like the look of: Chic Fabric Necklace, Traditional Rag Rug, Place mats for a Country Kitchen.
Projects I like the look of: EVERYTHING! Seriously, this book is AMAZING and there are so many beautiful projects, but I particularly love Vintage Flower, Embroidered Daisy, Flower Cuff, Naive Felt Flower, Patterned Daisy.
This one is a bit of an instruction manual, and doesn't have projects, but for this reason, is quite possibly the most useful book I've received. It will help me learn all I need to know for my Knitting (hopefully).
So watch this space! There may soon be a dramatic influx in the amount of Craft which occurs in my life, despite the looming horror of OWL's (Exams).
Irish Shamrock
Another Square for my Harry Potter quilt. This one, is in firm support for everything Irish in Harry Potter: from the Quidditch team, who won the 422nd Quidditch World Cup, to dear old Seamus Finnigan.
The pattern is not mine, I found it, once again, on the Internet. I take no credit for the design, all of that goes to the author of the link below, where the pattern can be found. I thank this person for sharing the pattern with the world. I used the pattern for the small Shamrock Cloth.
The pattern is not mine, I found it, once again, on the Internet. I take no credit for the design, all of that goes to the author of the link below, where the pattern can be found. I thank this person for sharing the pattern with the world. I used the pattern for the small Shamrock Cloth.
Look what I found!
I found these in a drawer the other day while clearing my cupboards out
I made that! About two years ago.... It used to work, all of the electric wiring's etc. It's a steady hand game whereby you have to get all the way across the metal loop without touching it with the handle. If you did, a little LED in the wand lit up. Unfortunately, it doesn't work anymore, one of the components has snapped off and i can't remember where it goes. I made it in school, in woodwork, and I was very proud of it, as it was one of the only projects that I made that ACTUALLY ever a) got finished or b) worked.
This is a wooden 'jumping toy'. It was meant to be a golden snitch, but I didn't finish this one, and it never worked anyway...
The top always fell off because it was too heavy. This picture shows the 'mechanics' behind it - two circles bouncing up and down (I can't remember the correct term for it). Either way, it failed. Dramatically.
So, unfortunately, these will be finding their way to the recycling/rubbish bin as I can't see any more use for them. Shame, but I wanted to archive them anyway.
What I am working on...
I thought I would try something different....
Can you tell who it is? I've been experimenting in the technique of outline stitching using paper. but, because my mother couldn't tell who this was, I decided I would add some more detail to it. So who is it?
It's Hermione! And my mother thought it was Hagrid.... That really is worrying.... So, I'm going to go around and stitch in the other basic outlines... Of her hands, clothes, legs, but not specifics like facial features, otherwise it could look creepy...
But for now, what do you think? Is it a good idea?
Monday, 12 December 2011
My Harry Potter House Bookscarf pattern
This is for people, like me, who are beginner knitters, can't knit on the round, don't even understand the concept of dpns and just want to knit a nice little Harry Potter bookmark.
You will need:
Wool in the colours of your Hogwarts House (red and gold/yellow for Gryffindor; blue and bronze/silver/white for Ravenclaw; green and silver/white for Slytherin; yellow and black for Hufflepuff)
Knitting needles of choice (I used 4mm, but I'm sure it would work with most needle types (you'd just end up with a bigger scarf))
A crochet hook (don't ask me what type, I have no idea... I just found a plastic one in the drawer and used it)
A tapestry needle (for weaving in ends)
CO 7 stitches in Main Colour (red;blue;green;yellow)
Rows 1-8 Knit all Stitches
Stripe Pattern
Change to Second Colour
Rows 9-10 Knit
Back to Main Colour
11-12 Knit
Change to Second Colour
13-14 Knit
Back to Main Colour
15-22 Knit
Repeat Stripe Pattern With 8 Main Colour Rows after 3 times more, so that you have four blocks of stripe pattern, and 5 blocks of the Main Colour
Cast Off.
Attach the fringe by cutting 3inch pieces and tying them through the Cast On and Cast Off edges
Weave in all ends (apart from the fringe!)
And place inside your favourite Harry Potter Book.
You will need:
Wool in the colours of your Hogwarts House (red and gold/yellow for Gryffindor; blue and bronze/silver/white for Ravenclaw; green and silver/white for Slytherin; yellow and black for Hufflepuff)
Knitting needles of choice (I used 4mm, but I'm sure it would work with most needle types (you'd just end up with a bigger scarf))
A crochet hook (don't ask me what type, I have no idea... I just found a plastic one in the drawer and used it)
A tapestry needle (for weaving in ends)
CO 7 stitches in Main Colour (red;blue;green;yellow)
Rows 1-8 Knit all Stitches
Stripe Pattern
Change to Second Colour
Rows 9-10 Knit
Back to Main Colour
11-12 Knit
Change to Second Colour
13-14 Knit
Back to Main Colour
15-22 Knit
Repeat Stripe Pattern With 8 Main Colour Rows after 3 times more, so that you have four blocks of stripe pattern, and 5 blocks of the Main Colour
Cast Off.
Attach the fringe by cutting 3inch pieces and tying them through the Cast On and Cast Off edges
Weave in all ends (apart from the fringe!)
And place inside your favourite Harry Potter Book.
It's Christmas time!!!
Christmas.Now around this time of year, I can just feel the creative juices oozing simply EVERYWHERE. Nice word, oozes.....
And one of the first ways to show people you're Crafting talent, is to make them Christmas cards!
I've been making cards for over 5 years now, and I still believe them to be childish, but I hope they can be an inspiration...
Now these photos are what I would call difficult... they all ended up aligning with the side. I think it calls for a vague multi craft tutorial.... For those that are simple enough. For this card, I used a white blank and some die-cut circles, I arranged the circles into a Christmas tree shape (triangle with stalk below) and stuck them on using 3D foam pads.
This one has a complex structure in its make up, but is very simple in decoration. I added a border along the bottom of the front flap, and a tag stuck above it to only the front flap, but so that it over laps onto the second. This restrains the movement, just enough so that it can stand up properly.
On a blank, attach a strip of Red patterned paper, or one of any co-ordinating colour. Find and image to attach centrally, and add a greeting .
To 2/3 of a white card, starting from the right hand side, attach a piece of patterned paper. add a border that runs vertically down the join. To this join, attach a motif that co-ordinates with the paper. Add some gems in the bottom left corner.
This card incorporates a Hufflepuff version of My Harry Potter House Bookscarf pattern . I cut a 4.5 cm x 0.5 cm slit, 4 cm from the tom of the card to thread the knitting through. Beneath the line, I stitched one row of running stitch in the same yellow wool. I then inked a greeting and slotted the scarf into place.
On a square blank, attach a strip of patterned paper. On top of this, add a square of a different patterned paper. within this, cut a square of the first patterned paper and align with the strip to give the illusion of an aperture. Attach a felt tree and adorn with gems, on the tree, and in each of the four corners.
Separately, attach a purple square of glitter paper to a square of silvered shiny paper. attach a ribbon vertically around them. Adhere to the card blank. Attach a greeting, and a silver Christmas tree to mirror the base.
Attach One Red square to the card, and layer a patterned one above it. Attach a motif to the centre of the patterned paper. Around the edges of the central point, perform a simple running stitch in a co-ordinating red embroidery thread.
On a piece of yellow card, attach a ribbon vertically. at the central point of this ribbon, create a cluster of other, co-ordinating ribbons, and add a greeting. Attach a motif to conceal the ends. Adhere the entire section to the card blank.
Attach a Ribbon vertically down the centre of the card. Layer a square of card, and then a frame onto the ribbon. Within the frame, attach your chosen motif.
Attach a piece of coloured card with a ribbon tied around it vertically. Let the ribbon ends fly loose. Attach a tag to the ribbon to make it look like a present, and place a snowflake at the foot of the card.
Edit: I have uploaded a video, showing the variety of cards I created this year to my youtube channel, LikeYodaSpeakI, some of which are not included here. It's not a craft tutorial, just an ideas video.
And one of the first ways to show people you're Crafting talent, is to make them Christmas cards!
I've been making cards for over 5 years now, and I still believe them to be childish, but I hope they can be an inspiration...
On a blank, attach a strip of Red patterned paper, or one of any co-ordinating colour. Find and image to attach centrally, and add a greeting .
To 2/3 of a white card, starting from the right hand side, attach a piece of patterned paper. add a border that runs vertically down the join. To this join, attach a motif that co-ordinates with the paper. Add some gems in the bottom left corner.
This card incorporates a Hufflepuff version of My Harry Potter House Bookscarf pattern . I cut a 4.5 cm x 0.5 cm slit, 4 cm from the tom of the card to thread the knitting through. Beneath the line, I stitched one row of running stitch in the same yellow wool. I then inked a greeting and slotted the scarf into place.
On a square blank, attach a strip of patterned paper. On top of this, add a square of a different patterned paper. within this, cut a square of the first patterned paper and align with the strip to give the illusion of an aperture. Attach a felt tree and adorn with gems, on the tree, and in each of the four corners.
Separately, attach a purple square of glitter paper to a square of silvered shiny paper. attach a ribbon vertically around them. Adhere to the card blank. Attach a greeting, and a silver Christmas tree to mirror the base.
Attach One Red square to the card, and layer a patterned one above it. Attach a motif to the centre of the patterned paper. Around the edges of the central point, perform a simple running stitch in a co-ordinating red embroidery thread.
On a piece of yellow card, attach a ribbon vertically. at the central point of this ribbon, create a cluster of other, co-ordinating ribbons, and add a greeting. Attach a motif to conceal the ends. Adhere the entire section to the card blank.
Attach a Ribbon vertically down the centre of the card. Layer a square of card, and then a frame onto the ribbon. Within the frame, attach your chosen motif.
Attach a piece of coloured card with a ribbon tied around it vertically. Let the ribbon ends fly loose. Attach a tag to the ribbon to make it look like a present, and place a snowflake at the foot of the card.
Edit: I have uploaded a video, showing the variety of cards I created this year to my youtube channel, LikeYodaSpeakI, some of which are not included here. It's not a craft tutorial, just an ideas video.
I have been busy over the past month, I promise.....
I really have been!
My art coursework is freaking me out and my french teacher is detestable with the amount of homework she gives me, so that is my excuse!
This is my last week of term before I break up for the christmas holidays..... 2 weeks in which to panic about January mocks, eat too much, freeze to the extreme whereby the duvet is my best friend..... stuff like that....
And it's my birthday on Friday.
I will be 16 on the 16th.
It is my sister's birthday today.
She is 12 on the 12th.
Freaky O.o
My art coursework is freaking me out and my french teacher is detestable with the amount of homework she gives me, so that is my excuse!
This is my last week of term before I break up for the christmas holidays..... 2 weeks in which to panic about January mocks, eat too much, freeze to the extreme whereby the duvet is my best friend..... stuff like that....
And it's my birthday on Friday.
I will be 16 on the 16th.
It is my sister's birthday today.
She is 12 on the 12th.
Freaky O.o
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Owl 1
This is an Owl Square. I plan on doing 4 of these, but in different colours. This one is mottled brown.
The pattern is NOT mine, and I take no credit for it, but it can be found at this web address:
The pattern is NOT mine, and I take no credit for it, but it can be found at this web address:
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
A Dragon Square!
This was another pattern that I found on the internet, so I take no credit for the design, it goes entirely to the owner. Design found at:
This was another pattern that I found on the internet, so I take no credit for the design, it goes entirely to the owner. Design found at:
Weasley Jumper
Another square! This one is the flat form of the front of a hand-knitted Weasley Jumper, completed in my preferred colours, and with my initial.
This again was a case of 30 cast on stitches, knit in stockinette until square, with the initial embroidered to the front. I am not comfortable with intarsia at the moment, I need practise, so perhaps this could help at a later date.
Stag Patronus
Another One knitted square for my quilt! This time it takes the form of a white stag patronus:
This was a pattern that I found at the below website address. I take no credit for the design of this one and it goes entirely to the owner who was very kind to share her pattern on the internet. Thank you :)
This was a pattern that I found at the below website address. I take no credit for the design of this one and it goes entirely to the owner who was very kind to share her pattern on the internet. Thank you :)
Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
Not the first one I knitted, but the first that sticks in My brain. Probably due to the colours.
This was done by casting on 30 stitches in the orange, and working stockinette stitch until I ran out of Orange wool. I then divided the remaining width to make it square by two, joined purple wool at the top and bottom of the orange and knitted 6 rows of purple at each end. I then embroidered The WWW logo onto the centre of the orange.
1 square down on the quilt!
This was done by casting on 30 stitches in the orange, and working stockinette stitch until I ran out of Orange wool. I then divided the remaining width to make it square by two, joined purple wool at the top and bottom of the orange and knitted 6 rows of purple at each end. I then embroidered The WWW logo onto the centre of the orange.
1 square down on the quilt!
My Harry Potter Knitted Quilt/Blanket/Afghan
As my humongous long-term project for knitting, I am going to try and make a Harry Potter quilt/blanket/afghan. But, for the purposes of simplicity, I will call it a quilt.
Each square is 30 stitches by however-many-rows square. A lot of them will be designed and or improvised by me. It is a daunting prospect - I haven't quite decided if it will be 100 squares or 144 squares yet, but I will see how it progresses!
Each square is 30 stitches by however-many-rows square. A lot of them will be designed and or improvised by me. It is a daunting prospect - I haven't quite decided if it will be 100 squares or 144 squares yet, but I will see how it progresses!
Sunday, 11 September 2011
School, Blergh
I have just started school again - Year 11, how dreadful (OWL year). This means I probably won't have much time to do much crafting until later in the year. Next July might be ok....
I am going to be busy with lots and lots of GCSE's (OWL's) so the pressure is on!
And I want A*'s.
I've got my work cut out.
But I'm going to do it.
Ravenclaws will TRIUMPH!!!!
I am going to be busy with lots and lots of GCSE's (OWL's) so the pressure is on!
And I want A*'s.
I've got my work cut out.
But I'm going to do it.
Ravenclaws will TRIUMPH!!!!
Georgie's Birthday Presents (shhhhh!)
My friend Georgie's birthday is in November. But, as I like to be prepared, I've already made her presents! (It saves the last minute scrabble for the glue gun)
Georgie wears a lot of these really large Hair-bow-headbands, and I decided to try to make some myself for her. After all, they don't seem to be all too difficult....
This is the first Hairband. It's a turquoise-green colour and has a double bow.
A base headband, preferably in a colour that matches or compliments the bow that is going to be added
50 cm of ribbon about 2.5 cm wide (length and width may vary depending on how large you want your bow to be)
Needle and thread
Fabric Glue
A smaller piece of Ribbon in a similar colour

This blue hairband was done in a near identical way, except it had a wide ribbon wrapped around the bow and is secured only by fabric glue. This one is my favourite.
This has a smaller bow, where the ribbon was only folded in half, stitched and gathered. It is secured to the hairband in the same way as the green hairband.
This one also has a small, choker necklace, whereby I used the remnants of the ribbon, attached sticky Velcro to either end and outlined one of the paisley patterns of the design. I think it looks quite effective.
To see my friend Georgie, check out her YouTube channels:
Georgie wears a lot of these really large Hair-bow-headbands, and I decided to try to make some myself for her. After all, they don't seem to be all too difficult....
This is the first Hairband. It's a turquoise-green colour and has a double bow.
A base headband, preferably in a colour that matches or compliments the bow that is going to be added
50 cm of ribbon about 2.5 cm wide (length and width may vary depending on how large you want your bow to be)
Needle and thread
Fabric Glue
A smaller piece of Ribbon in a similar colour
- Fold the larger ribbon into thirds. With the first third, fold in half and stitch together at the join of the end to the centre. With the remaining ribbon, fold in half and stitch the other end to the same point as the first.
- Flatten the two loops that you have created with the stitched part in the centre. stitch a line of running stitch across the middle and gather together. Secure the gather.
- With the fabric glue, glue the centre of the bow to the hairband.
- With the smaller Ribbon, wrap it around both the bow and the hairband twice, fastening them together tightly, so the bow won't slip off with the glue. With the ends of the ribbon, tie in a small bow. Paint the ends of the ribbon and the knot with clear nail varnish to secure.
This blue hairband was done in a near identical way, except it had a wide ribbon wrapped around the bow and is secured only by fabric glue. This one is my favourite.
This one also has a small, choker necklace, whereby I used the remnants of the ribbon, attached sticky Velcro to either end and outlined one of the paisley patterns of the design. I think it looks quite effective.
To see my friend Georgie, check out her YouTube channels:
Sunday, 21 August 2011
So, as the Summer Holidays draw to a close, I begin to turn my sights to the next holiday - Christmas.
I love Christmas.
Christmas is a time when I can craft to my heart's content in the weeks coming up, but what's more is it can be spread over many months. And I always do.
I'm a bit late this year, in starting, I usually start in July, but now is the time to start making Christmas presents and decorations and cards. There are a few birthdays between now and then, but they're easily covered and I'm nearly completely prepared for them.
I will update on the various crafts I make throughout the upcoming months, and I thoroughly look forward to creating a myriad of wonderful things!
Merry Christmas!
I love Christmas.
Christmas is a time when I can craft to my heart's content in the weeks coming up, but what's more is it can be spread over many months. And I always do.
I'm a bit late this year, in starting, I usually start in July, but now is the time to start making Christmas presents and decorations and cards. There are a few birthdays between now and then, but they're easily covered and I'm nearly completely prepared for them.
I will update on the various crafts I make throughout the upcoming months, and I thoroughly look forward to creating a myriad of wonderful things!
Merry Christmas!
Friday, 19 August 2011
Slytherin Card
This Craft Tutorial is also on The Leaky Cauldron Crafts, here:
But will be posted here as well.
A5 Green card
A6 grey card
Scrap pieces of red cardGlueLetter stickers
Fold the A5 Green card in half.
From the A6 Grey card, cut a snake shape that curls into an ‘S’.
Stick the snake shape on the card.
From the red card, cut two small ovals and stick them onto the snakes head. These are the eyes.
Using letter stickers, write Slytherin round one of the snake’s curves.
Ravenclaw card
This is another Craft Tutorial that I created for The Leaky Cauldron Crafts as seen here:
But I will also post it here for easy access.
A5 Blue card
Blue feathers
Scrap pieces of blue card
Glue/ sticky tape/ foam squares
Letter stickers
Fold the A5 Blue card in half.
Attach 3 blue feathers to the front of the card.
On one piece of blue card, quote the sorting hat when talking about Ravenclaw using letter stickers.
Matt the first blue piece with another.
Stick the quote above the end of the feathers
Hogwarts House Hair Clips
This is a Craft Tutorial that I made for The Leaky Cauldron Crafts, as shown here:
But I will also post it here because I'm bored.
1 sheet of felt for the shield/ background (red, green, blue, yellow)
1 sheet of fabric for the detail (yellow, grey, bronze/grey, black)
Thread (in colours of either your detail felt or background felt)
Lay your hair clip on the back ground felt. Cut a shield shape around it with plenty of room.
Cut another shield shape so that you have two.
From the detail fabric, cut the first letter of the house you’re making the hairclip for, for example ‘R’ and the shape of a golden snitch.
Pin detail to one shield.
Sew detail onto that shield.
On the second shield, cut a small slit so that the back of the clip can come out from the inside.
Take the two shields. Remove the clip from the slot and place both shields right sides together (detail inwards). Sew around the curved parts of the shields.
Turn the shields right way out. Slide the hair clip so that the end hangs out. Sew the top closed.
A Dobby Christmas Card
In Memory of Dobby, A Free Elf
This is a Craft Tutorial on how to make this card, which I made for my best friend for Christmas last year:
Card:A5 Green CardA6 Brown paperScrap Green cardBrown Pencil Christmas Greeting
Insert:Brown paper the same colour as Dobby on the front, slightly smaller than A6Green PenBrown Pencil
Fold the Green Card in half to produce an A6 Card Blank.
Cut from the A6 Brown paper a shape of half of Dobby’s face, roughly triangular with one of his ears.
Cut a circle from the Green scrap card and draw a smaller circle for Dobby’s pupil in it.
Using the Brown pencil, tinge all of the edges around Dobby’s face and draw on his nose, mouth and ear contours
Stick Your Dobby to the front of the Green card blank and add a Christmas Greeting.
Fold the Brown paper in half and stick into the card.
Using the Green pen, on the left hand side of the paper, write ‘Dobby says, “Merry Christmas!”’
If you want, draw a small picture of Dobby in the corner.
Monday, 15 August 2011
First Post
This is my first post today. Well, in fact, ever. This blog is going to be about various crafty things, all from me, a Ravenclaw. I do cardmaking, knitting and sewing mainly, so this blog will most likely feature around these three topics.

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