Where has February gone?! Everything just seems to have happened at once! And what with avoiding Valentines day and the most hectic half term that I have ever experienced, NOTHING has got done.
Well. That's a partial lie.
I've done my Physics Homework.
But crafty wise, not a lot.
I've been knitting some squares in front of the television, in an attempt to try and make a quilt before I go to University (good luck with that).
I've recently re-discovered my 15mm knitting needles, and knitted myself a small snood.
I've made a few scrapbook pages.
But nothing hugely exciting.
And I will have to apologise, because the next half term is a biggie.
History Coursework needs to be done.
I have an art exam to prepare for.
I guess what I'm saying is - don't expect too much from me for a while.
Ta muchly for your time.
(I should definitely be back at the end of June!)