Saturday, 25 February 2012

Craft Review: Week 8: Sunday 12th February - Saturday 18th February

This week was half term, so I've done far too much sleeping. And watching films. And rubbish things on TV... But it also means I get more crafty time (and more homework -_-). So this is what I did.

Today, I picked up my Ravenclaw Scarf again, and by Jove it's getting long. I'm still following the pattern from Charmed Knits, but it prescribes fourteen colour block pairs, and I have just completed the eighth, and it's already nearly as tall as me! But I will continue on, I want one so badly, I'm not going to give up because I think it's monstrously long.

I went into town and bought 10 balls of wool for £7.00. Now that's a bargain. The cheapest ones I can find anywhere else are usually£2.50 at least. I will definitely be returning there again. I also finished this cushion I've been working on for a few months. It's the embroidery, I swear, it puts me off. I also knitted another tiny little owl, just for fun this time.

Today, I made R2D2! I had a lot of fun, and it's very rewarding to make a pattern yourself. It's sparked a whole load of ideas for me, and I can't wait to try and knit something else!


Today, in the breaks between the hairdressers and the opticians, and going regular shopping (such a bore, considering we didn't spend nearly enough time in Waterstones), I managed to knit up half a square for my Harry Potter Quilt. This one will be based on Sherbet Lemons, Dumbledore's favourite Muggle sweet, as is often expressed during the first few books.

A tradition of ours: Sock photography.

I went Craft Shopping!!! We went to Hobbycraft, and my mother had to restrain me from buying everything. So, instead, I narrowed it down to what I needed: 5 Plain Plastic full face masks (for my art project); and what I really wanted, which equated to: 4 mini canvases, and a book on knitting cakes. Yumyumyum.
I also then went to Becky's for a sleepover, so there wasn't much time anywhere.


I was wiped out from Becky's (there are only so many films one can watch in one sitting, and I think three is pushing it at two in the morning...), so I spent the afternoon sleeping, doodling and writing. I actually finished the first chapter of a story I'm writing. It'll need tweaking, but if anyone wants to read it, leave a comment and perhaps one day I'll post an extract of it.


Saturday, I really started to knuckle down and do my artwork. I did a three hour sustained drawing of two pairs of sunglasses, trying desperately to get the perspective right. It worked, eventually, I also started to tidy up any loose sheets of paper in my book, organising it, tucking things away, etc. I also started doing some studies of some photos that I took for it a few weeks ago... But because it's exam work and I don't want plagiarism, I'm keeping them to myself.
A few more months, and You can see them...

Toodle pip!

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